Stories from Shafik's Life - EP.01 (2022)


Stories from Shafik’s Life – Living conditions in Syria


Civilian protests are currently flaring up again on the streets of the southern Syrian city of Suwaida. The protesters are not only demanding democratization and elementary rights, but are also directed against state corruption and the increasingly precarious economic situation, with extremely high food prices that hardly any family can afford without subsidies.
Our first video in the series “Stories from Shafik’s Life” shows what this means in concrete terms.


Client: Visions4Syria
Illustration & Creative Direction: Salam Alhassan
Animation, Post-Production & Director: Waref Abu Quba



Stories from Shafik's Life - EP.02 (2022)

Many European governments are examining whether they can deport Syrian refugees. With the absurd argument: #Syria is a safe country.


The reasons why Syrians are still forced to flee are completely ignored.


To this day, at least tens of thousands are in the regime’s torture cells, and the Secret Service’s enforced disappearance strategy continues unabated every day to further intimidate and coerce the population into obedience.


In the second Episode of the video series “Stories from Shafik’s Life,” we joined Visions4Syria in recounting aspects of Shafik’s life


Sponsor: Rosa Luxemburger Foundation & Visions4Syria
Illustration & Creative Direction: Salam Alhassan
Animation, Post-Production & Director: Waref Abu Quba



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